Friday, May 18, 2007

Wedding Invitations

Well all the wedding invitations should be on their way.  The paper ones anyway.  There are many people I didn't have addresses for, only emails.  I'd still like to invite people to come via email as well if that isn't considered too lame...

We sent out just around 60 total invites.  Built the invitations ourselves.  Heidi ordered 60-odd photos from the picture I took the weekend we were in Newport.  She then bought magnet sheets and stuck the pictures to them.  I did my (very minor) part and cut them down to size.

Cutting the magnets

Once the magnets were done we had all the supplies to create an invitation.  Magnet, paper invitation, string to wrap the invite in, stamps, return address labels, and return rsvp via a postcard of Oregon.

Building up the invitations

All the ideas, work, and prep goes to Heidi.  If it was up to me I would've just emailed everyone.  I helped cut magnets and stuck stamps and return address labels on the envelopes but that was it (and probably gave unwanted advice).  It turned out great I thought though and all the credit is hers.


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